
Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting Course (MBCP)

At what stage of pregnancy would be a good time to do MBCP?

Many expectant parents start MBCP in their third trimester (27 weeks), however MBCP can be commenced at any time during pregnancy, whenever you are comfortable to do so. 

Remember though, MBCP is a 9-week course and it would be the most valuable to finish it before you go into labour!

How is MBCP different from other pregnancy programs?

Other pregnancy programs focus more on techniques for labour and birth.

MBCP is an evidence-based childbirth education course , which includes techniques for labour and birth as well as mindfulness training throughout pregnancy, labour, birthing and parenthood, including infant feeding and needs of the newborn baby. MBCP gives attendees (e.g. women, couples, support people) life-long resilience skills. 

What distinguishes MBCP from other childbirth education classes?

Childbirth education classes vary considerably, and are usually information-based, with the focus on labour and birth. Childbirth classes often include possible interventions and procedures, and sometimes breastfeeding and newborn care.

MBCP is a childbirth education course, which covers techniques for labour and birth as well as mindfulness training throughout pregnancy, labour, birthing and parenthood, including infant feeding and needs of the newborn baby. 

MBCP gives attendees (e.g. women, couples, support people) life-long resilience skills. 

How will doing this course benefit us and our baby?

Research shows that those who attend MBCP courses are better able to manage stress, are less fearful of birthing and parenthood, and experience increased confidence and communication. This is maintained after the baby is born increasing parent empathy and resilience. Through mindful practice participants learn skills for working with stress, pain, and fear that may arise in this transitional time.

Mindfulness, practised regularly, enhances a sense of calm, increases awareness of the automatic habits of the mind and has the potential to interrupt unhelpful intergenerational patterning.

What about my partner? What if I do not have a partner?

Partners are strongly encouraged to attend classes, after all your partner is also becoming a parent and MBCP is about gaining life skills as well as specific pregnancy and birthing skills.  Your partner will also be learning supporting skills and skills for their own wellbeing at this time of transition. 

If you do not have a specific parenting partner, whoever is going to support you, can attend with you (e.g. a family member, a friend, or a doula).  A birth partner will also have their own unique experience. 

However, a pregnant person is most welcome to attend on their own.

What would happen if we could not attend on one of the dates?

It is really important to commit to attending all of the sessions to get the most value out of the program.

It is really a bit like parenting — just that parenting is a 24/7 commitment!

Parents find that their schedules and priorities change once baby has arrived, and as children grow.

Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances, we can discuss possibilities.

Is this course only for people who want a "natural" birth? What if I am needing to have a caesarean delivery, or want to get an epidural?

MBCP is for anyone.  Mindfulness skills and childbirth education is useful no matter what the birthing experience.

Will this course support me if I want to have a birth with no medical interventions?

Yes.  Mindfulness skills have been found to be incredibly supporting during challenging experiences. 

To be clear, this course will not necessarily get you to the birth you wish for; it will give you the skills to manage birth and life as it arises, in the present moment.

Do I need to have experience with mindfulness or meditation to take this course?

No.  Both beginning and experienced meditators are welcome.

Do I have to be a first-time parent to take this course?

No.  Parents who already have children have benefitted from taking this course; after all, each pregnancy, birthing experience and newborn baby is a new experience. 

Why have you chosen Saturdays to run the course?

Saturdays were chosen because in my experience, trying week-day evenings gets a bit tricky for people.  The pregnant person can get quite tired at the end of the day, particularly if they are still working.  Partners can often work late and miss a session.  And, during the days, partners are often working.

The MBCP course is a big commitment.

Yes, it is.  And being a parent is a life-long commitment.

However, 9 weeks (2.5 hours per week + home practises) is only a small portion of the 40 or so weeks of growing your baby.

Please note: No class or course should offer any guarantees around a specific experience or outcome; that just is not how life, or birthing, works.